Calendar Aims/Expectations Readings Assignments

Please use your time wisely, and begin reading well in advance. Make notes on your reading, with page number references; these will come handy in your writing.

  1. Joel Spring,  Wheels In The Head: Educational Philosophies of Authority, Freedom and Culture From Socrates To Human Rights. McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages; 2 edition (1998). ISBN: 0070144230.
    • This is a brief overview of educational philosophy, a primer for the course.
  2. Charles Bingham, Alexander M. Sidorkin  (Editors),  No Education Without Relation, Peter Lang Publishing (March 1, 2004) ISBN: 0820468304.
    • This is an example of a contemporary scholarship in the theme of the course. It represents a variety of styles and genres that are characteristic of contemporary philosophy of education.
  3. Martin BuberI And Thou, Publisher: Free Press (February 1, 1971) ISBN: 0684717255
    • You can find out about Buber here.
    • The books read like poetry, yet it is philosophy. Try to read slowly, and make sense of it by searching your own experience for instances that could be described by Buber's language.
  4. John Dewey, The School and Society: The Child and the Curriculum,  University Of Chicago Press; Reissue edition (1991). ISBN: 0226143961.
    • This is one of the most foundational books in Progressive educational thought. See how structural characteristics of schooling affect relationships.
  5. Three essays of your choice from PES Yearbook. Free on-line access
    • The Yearbook represents the actual practice of contemporary philosophy of education. Select three essays (not responses to essays) that fit your interest and will be helpful in your final paper.

Instructor Alexander (Sasha) Sidorkin