Calendar Aims/Expectations Readings Assignments

Please use your time wisely, and begin reading well in advance. Make notes on your reading, with page number references; these will come handy in your writing.

The link will lead you to site. It is significantly cheaper to by from the Amazon, especially if you use their used book partners. I will order only a few copies for the University's bookstore, assuming that most will try to save money.

bulletSpring, J. (2007) Deculturalization and the Struggle for Equality: A Brief History of the Education of Dominated Cultures in the United States, McGraw-Hill. ($7.49 used)
bulletRodriguez, R (2004) Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez, Bantam Books ($0.08 used)
bulletKohl, H. (1994)I Won’t Learn from You.” The New Press ($2.99 used)
bulletPaley, V. (2000) White Teacher. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press ($6.50 used)

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Instructor Alexander (Sasha) Sidorkin