Calendar Aims Assignments Readings Policies Group Project

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The Catalogue describes the course as "Social, historical and philosophical perspectives of schooling including legal, ethical and multicultural foundations for the professional educator in a democratic society and their implications for classroom communication, organization and management" This course will help you become a professional who...
  • Knows the field of education beyond his or her narrow specialization.
  • Generates and communicates original ideas about a wide range of educational issues.
  • Shares a common language with colleagues, can debate with other educators in faculty meetings, professional conferences, and in teachers' lounges.
  • Talks back to educational administrators, parents, and policy-makers in a language they understand and respect. 

Being an educator involves more than just knowing your subject and teaching techniques. This course is your chance to develop a professional voice that is strong, intelligent, and persuasive. The course content is developed to meet the following standards:

Quick links:

Text book website


Email instructor

APA format

Conceptions of Schooling: Context and Process, Spring 2007